
Walt Disney Animation Studio’s 60th feature, Encanto, tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto. The of the Encanto has blessed every in the family with a unique gift from super strength to the power to heal every except , Mirabel. But when she discovers that the surrounding the Encanto is in danger, Mirabel decides that she, the only ordinary Madrigal, might just be her exceptional family’s last hope. Explore the magical world of Disney’s Encanto with Isabela’s Garden Room Playset. Play out your favorite scenes from the film where Isabela’s magical gift makes the flowers bloom in her room! This beautiful Garden Room Playset is designed after Isabela’s flower room in the film, and comes with an Isabela doll and 6 accessories, including a floral-inspired vanity, chair, swinging bed, and a chandelier to decorate with. Step and Surprise! Isabela’s room door unlocks when she stands in front of it, and swings open for her to step inside! Walk Isabela along the path to make the flowers pop open and bloom as she steps, just like in the film! Swing Isabela in her garden-themed bed upstairs, or sit her on the chair in front of her beautiful floral vanity. Flip the wall panel downstairs to change the flower scenery to desert succulents, just like in the film! With Isabela’s Garden Room Playset, you’ll have hours of fun as you explore Isabela’s magical gift of making all the flowers grow!

Product Highlights

  • Isabela’S Magical Gift Allows Her To Make Flowers Bloom! Explore The Powers Of Her Gift In Her Garden Room Playset! Includes Step And Surprise Feature
  • Isabela Doll Opens The Door To Her Magical Room! Walk Isabela Along The Path To Make The Flowers Pop Open And Bloom As She Steps, Just Like In The Film
  • Features A Swinging Garden Bed, Floral Vanity And Chair, And A Revolving Wall Panel That Changes The Scenery In Her Room
  • Isabela’S Garden Room Playset Can Be Played With Alongside The Magical Casa Madrigal For More Encanto Fun! (Sold Separately)

Product Details

  • Batteries Required : No


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